Spaghetti Challenge
Each year the NDMA hold an annual awards evening event to celebrate manufacturing across the region, this event also features the Each year the NDMA hold an annual awards evening event to celebrate manufacturing across the region, this event also features the
● Technology Awards for Secondary and FE education.
● Primary School Challenge The Challenge 2019: To Design and Build Spaghetti
Superstructures Tallest and Strongest Tower.
600 children across the Northern Devon region took part in the challenge and accessed this free STEM learning from the NDMA. Each pupil received an individual certificate for participation and the winning teams who built the highest tower and the strongest tower attended the awards event to celebrate and collect their awards.
Read the story here https://www.ndma.org.uk/news/manufacturing/manufacturing-achievements-recognised-at-annual-awards/
Link to NDMA website – www.ndma.org.uk